Product Details & Specifications
Salto Systems
Universal Wireless Energy Saving Device
Smart Wireless Energy Saving Device
Project References
Hilton Garden Inn Botswana
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Product Specification
Energy usage is one of the highest operating expenses the hotel industry incurs and remains the second-largest cost hotels have to contend with, right behind labor. The cost of electricity has risen drastically in the past few years and will only continue to rise. On average, 90% of wasted electricity usage comes from the guest room, which can be your property’s most unmanaged resource (a guest room Air Conditioning/Heating (HVAC) system can represent 70-90% of that wasted electricity). Conservation is quickly becoming the cheapest and easiest solution to the problem.
The SALTO Universal ESD system allows hotels to optimize energy consumption by turning off lighting and adjusting climate control systems when guests are not in the room for long periods of time.