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Implementing Thermal Comfort in RSA Buildings
18 May 2022 at 07:00:00
4 hours
Validated for:
SACAP credits
ECSA credits
SACQSP credits
Not validated
ï‚· Implementing Thermal Comfort
ï‚· Factors that Influence Thermal Comfort
 Development of Thermal Comfort Standards – both Static & Adaptive Comfort  Climate Change Implications
ï‚· Comfort vs Energy Savings
ï‚· 2 x Break Away Rooms (Poll & Q&A) included during the course
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SP Energy
SP Energy Pty Ltd specialises in training of Professionals in Environmental Sustainability, with a focus on Compliance on Regulations XA. They also offer energy modelling of buildings and provides Rational Design services to customers who are developing new buildings. We are geared to produce an accurate, cost efficient Rational Design service in accordance with Regulation XA with a quick turnaround so that clients plans can be submitted to Local Councils without delay.
More and more Architects learn how to help their clients adopt the Rational Design route to get their buildings into compliance with Regulation XA. SP Energy/Structatherm Projects are providing Energy Modelling and Rational Design services and this is saving clients’ money on projects as unnecessarily severe specifications are avoided.
Our Rational Design service is extended via Architects and other Building Professionals as well as the home owner or developer directly. We are also Certified EDGE Auditors
SP Energy Pty Ltd have associations with other firms which complement our services and often we are in a Project Management role for a wide range of subjects, such as Solar Water heating, Solar PV, Green Buildings and Specialised Energy Consulting.
To this end we have managed Environmental and Socio-economic Life Cycle Assessment projects
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Your booking details are as follows:
Session Code
obtainable from SP Energy
Wednesday, 18 May 2022 at 7:00:00 UTC
Your register details can be found on your profile
You have been emailed the above information, you can also return to this page on the day of the activity to access the links and codes.
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